Podcast Episode 9: Back into the Looking Glass

We had a break – what did we do? What projects are we working on? We discuss our experiences over the summer, our current digital writing projects, and the state of our practice-based research. Easing into this season, when we’ll be hosting numerous guests on the podcast! Lyle’s hypernovel outline:…

Podcast Episode 8: In Search of Completionism

In this last episode of the season, we revisit some topics to explore them further, including: digital fiction museums, locative transmedia works, publishing digital fiction, walking sims, and the future. BONUS: Blooper reel! Links mentioned in this episode: Normal Deviation Anthology (buy it now!) Lyle’s current project: Seven Sisters Unmet Electronic Literature Lab…

Podcast Episode 7: Publishing Digital Fiction

Why isn’t digital fiction everywhere? Part of the reason we don’t see it in stores is because it doesn’t have an established publishing stream. We look at some of the publishing efforts in the history of digital fiction in this episode. Links mentioned in this episode: Normal Deviation Anthology (buy it now!)…

Podcast Episode 5: Transmedia Rabbit Holes

Our deepest apologies for the unplanned hiatus! As working academics, end-of-the-year marking and administration tasks overwhelmed us for a while.  Digital media has the ability to both transcend and combine narrative forms: film, game, text, music, and more. As a result of the mutable quality of digital media and the…

Podcast Episode 4: Losing My Digital Fiction

Note: It appears the podcast feed wasn’t coming through to this site – sorry for the slew of updates, but didn’t want anyone to miss out on episodes! Like all things digital, digital fiction is prone to obsolescence, and we’re already losing key works. We chat about the evanescence of…

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